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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share your personal information when you use our app. 

Information We Collect

We collect the following information from you:

  • Personal Details: When you sign up for our app, we collect your first name, last name, email address, 4-digit PIN, company name, industry of company, department of employee, role of employee, whether you have a Job Description, whether you are trained for your job, whether you have an Employment Contract, whether you have a Training plan or personal development plan, account creation date, payment email ID, Stripe Customer ID, and termination date (if you are a paid customer who cancelled your subscription). 

  • Company Details: For Teams/Enterprise accounts, we collect the contact email for the account, company name, industry, plan (Teams/Enterprise), number of accounts paid/booked for, number of accounts used, and subscription start date. 

  • Data Generated During App Usage: We collect the following information about your app usage: 

  • Employee Details: Tasks list for users, tags list for users, comments added by Managers for Yes/No questions 

  • Activity Details: Name of task, start time, end time, notes associated with activity, tags associated with activity 

  • Feedback: Content of feedback, entry time, user ID who submitted the feedback 

  • Time log: Keeps track of when a user starts their day (first login) and ends their day (last logout) 

  • Improvement: Name of task for which improvement is suggested, Action Type (5Rs), whether the task is core/non-core, improvement action + benefits suggested by user, estimated time saved in minutes suggested by user, timestamp when improvement suggestion was registered, manager comments (cannot be added by user) 

  • Moodometer: Recording date, mood [1-5], reason for mood, improvement suggestion, location of work 

  • Data Stored for Triggers: We store the following information to control the behaviour of the application: 

  • End day trigger – To know if the customer has logged out or not 

  • Free trial trigger – To know if the customer is on a free trial or not 

  • Feedback trigger – To know if a user has provided feedback or not 

  • Paid account trigger – To identify the type of paid account and user has 

  • Tutorial trigger – To know if a user has seen the tutorial video or not 

  • Starter trigger – To know if a user is a first-time starter or not 

  • Data Stored After Account Deletion: We store the following information after you delete your account: 

  • Email through which account was created 

  • Stripe Customer ID 

  • Stripe Payment ID 

  • Data That Can Be Accessed Through Stripe API: We use Stripe to process payments. When you make a payment through Stripe, we collect your payment information, such as your credit card number or bank account number. Stripe may also collect other information about you, such as your name, email address, and shipping address. For more information about how Stripe collects and uses your information, please visit their Privacy Policy. 

How We Use Your Information 

We use your information to provide you with our services, to improve our services, and to communicate with you. 

  • Provide Our Services: We use your personal details to create your account and to provide you with access to our app. We use data generated during app usage to track your progress and to provide you with personalised feedback. We use data stored for triggers to control the behaviour of the application. We use data stored after account deletion to prevent people using free trials using the same account and to comply with our legal obligations. 

  • Improve Our Services: We use data generated during app usage to analyse how people use our app and to identify areas where we can improve. 

  • Communicate with You: We use your email address to send you notifications about your account, to send you marketing communications, and to respond to your requests for support. 

How We Share Your Information 

We share your information with the following third-party service providers: 

  • Stripe: We use Stripe to process payments. When you make a payment through Stripe, we share your payment information with Stripe. Stripe may also collect other information about you, such as your name, email address, and shipping address. For more information about how Stripe collects and uses your information, please visit their Privacy Policy: 

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): We use AWS to store your data. AWS may also collect other information about you, such as your IP address and browser type. The AWS server used is located in Ireland and complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Irish Data Protection Act 2018. For more information about how AWS collects and uses your information, please visit their Privacy Policy:


We may also share your information with other third-party service providers if we are required to do so by law or if we believe that it is necessary to protect our rights or the rights of others. 

Your Choices

You have the following choices regarding your personal information:


  • Access and Correct Your Information: You can access and correct your personal information by logging into your account and clicking ‘Update details’ under your Personal Details area in your app settings. 

  • Delete Your Information: You can delete your account by logging into your account and clicking on the "Delete My Account" tab. Please note that once you delete your account, you will not be able to access your data. 

  • Opt Out of Marketing Communications: You can opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link in any marketing email that we send you. 

Data Security

We use security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include: 

Encryption & Access: Your information is stored on a dually encrypted database and server to prevent unauthorised access.


Monitoring: We monitor the usage of the application to ensure that there are no suspicious or security issues. 

International Data Transfer

Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in countries other than the country in which you reside. These countries may have different data protection laws than the country in which you reside. We will take steps to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws. 

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by email or by posting a notice on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

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